All Upcoming FI Events

Hidden Rivers - Boone, NC
Hidden Rivers featured in the Boone Earth Film Festival
Appalachian Theatre, Boone, NC - 6-10pm

WaterNight - Corvallis 2025
SAVE THE DATE - 8/23/25 - Our annual WaterNight benefit comes to Tyee Winery this year! Check back in Spring for more details.

Hidden Rivers - Brevard, NC
Hidden Rivers community presentation
Mary Jenkins Community Center
Brevard, NC
Hosted by Headwaters Outfitters

Hidden Rivers - Pulaski, VA
Hidden Rivers community presentation
Ratcliff Museum
51 Commerce Street,
Pulaski, VA 24301
Hosted by Friends of Peak Creek

Hidden Rivers - Abingdon, VA
Hidden Rivers community presentation
Exec Auditorium
SW VA Education Center
Abingdon, VA
Hosted by Virginia Master Naturalists - Holston Chapter and the Upper Tennessee River Roundtable

Hidden Rivers - Fletcher, NC
Hidden Rivers community presentation
Fernleaf School - Wilderness Campus
249 Old Hendersonville Rd, Fletcher, NC 28732

Hidden Rivers - Norris, TN
Hidden Rivers community presentation
5:30pm, Clinch River Brewing,
2045 Norris Freeway,
Norris, TN 37828
Hosted by UT Extension - Anderson County

Hidden Rivers - Sylva, NC
Hidden Rivers community presentation
2pm, Jackson County Library
Sylva, North Carolina

Hidden Rivers - Johnson City, TN
Hidden Rivers community presentation
East Tennessee Room - Culp Center
East Tennessee State University
Johnson City, Tennessee
Hosted by ETSU Depts of GeoSciences, Sustainability, Johnson City, Boone Watershed Partnership

Hidden Rivers - Greeneville, TN
Hidden Rivers community presentation
6pm, University of Tennessee Extension Office
303 Takoma Ave, Greeneville, TN 37743
Hosted by UT Extension - Greene County

UPRIVER - film & gallery event
UPRIVER film & gallery event - 3/1/25 - 2 Towns Taproom, Corvallis, OR - Learn about your backyard river, meet the filmmakers, browse a pop-up photo gallery, and support aquatic education in our schools. Advance tickets $15

Hidden Rivers - Dalton, GA
Location: Edwards Park Brooker Community Room, Dalton Georgia

Hidden Rivers - Waynesboro, VA
3/21 - Hidden Rivers, Wayne Theatre, Waynesboro, VA - https://www.waynetheatre.org/event/hidden-rivers-of-southern-appalachia-film

Hidden Rivers - Museum of Life & Science
3/19 (time TBA) - Hidden Rivers - Museum of Life & Science, Durham, NC - https://www.lifeandscience.org/explore/events/

Hidden Rivers - Asheville, NC
Sunday, 3/17, 5:30pm at Wedge Brewing Foundry - Cloud Room, Asheville, NC - FREE ADMISSION
5 Foundry St #10, Asheville, NC 28801

Hidden Rivers - Tellico Plains, TN
3/16, 1pm, Hidden Rivers - Charles Hall Museum, Tellico Plains, TN - FREE

Hidden Rivers, Maryville, TN
3/15, 7pm, Hidden Rivers - Clayton-Bradley Academy, Maryville, TN - https://payit.nelnet.net/form/EVDSLU79

Hidden Rivers film - Townsend, TN
3/13, 6pm, Hidden Rivers - Town Hall, Townsend, TN
Register at: https://hiddenriversatcityhall.rsvpify.com/?securityToken=Ch9tPc1psgHeEgxDqWw0BRPCqSRkZ5EJ

Judys Creek - American Conservation Film Fest
3/9, 1pm, Judy's Creek - American Conservation Film Fest - Frank Center for the Arts on
the Shepherd University Campus, Shepherdstown, WV https://conservationfilmfest.org/judys-creek/

FI Webinar: Exploring estate & financial planning
FI Sponsored Webinar: Exploring estate & financial planning - achieving goals & avoiding conflicts
Register for our informative seminar on estate and legacy planning!
Friday, December 8th, 12pm Pacific / 3pm Eastern
Speakers: Annie Arbenz, Esq. & Nick Bedlan, CFP
Registration link:
Look for a confirmation email with instructions on how to join the meeting.
This event is specially designed for those who want to explore the various ways you can leave a lasting legacy for future generations while enjoying an engaging discussion with experts. Presenters, Annie Arbenz and Nick Bedlan, will define and cover some basic concepts and issues in Estate Planning such as probate, trusts, and wills and the benefits of wills and trusts, and the benefits of having a will or trust. Annie will briefly discuss how best to avoid conflicts over an estate after death. Nick Bedlan will discuss financial and wealth management, fiduciary responsibility, financial risk and rewards, and tax efficient strategies for preserving wealth, etc. Finally, a few strategies will be outlined for making gifts to charitable organizations. This free seminar is offered by Freshwaters Illustrated as a benefit to our donors and members.
Annie Arbenz, Esq: Annie is a partner at The Narrows Law Group with offices in Tacoma and Gig Harbor, Washington. Annie’s practice is focused on trusts and estates including the administration of estates upon incapacity or death. She also advises on the elements of business law and succession planning in closely held businesses. Annie also created and operates a website “Orbit Wills” as an effective and efficient way for Washingtonians to create simple Wills. Annie received a B.A. degree in Business Administration from the University of Washington and a J.D. degree from Gonzaga University School of law. When not at work, Annie focuses her time on her two young kids, her husband, extended family, exercise, and triathlon competitions.
Nick Bedlan, Certified Financial Planner: Nick is a Wealth Manager at Creative planning. He has 25 years of experience working as a wealth manager. Nick serves his clients’ financial planning needs and is familiar with many options such as trust and estate, retirement goal setting, stock option and equity compensation, and tax efficient investment strategies. Nick holds a B.A. in Business Administration with a minor in Economics from Nebraska Wesleyan University. He also holds a Master of Investment Management and Financial Analysis degree from Creighton University’s Heider College of Business. Nick is a CFP and a CFA® charter holder. Nick lives in Gig Harbor, Washington and enjoys spending time with his wife and two daughters, cooking and traveling, especially visiting National Parks.

Oregon State International Film Festival
presentation of UPRIVER at the Darkside Cinema, Corvallis OR:

Educator FilmFest at Tryon Creek Nature Center, Tryon Creek State Natural Area, Portland, OR
Educators, join us in-person at Tryon Creek Park Nature Center, Portland, Oregon, where we’ll be creekside and inside. You'll learn how to use stunning freshwater films, photos, and activities to engage and inspire your students. One of the films features Gabe Sheoships, Tryon Creek’s Executive Director! The film inspired us to conduct eDNA research with the counselors in training, and we’ll share what we have learned. You’ll leave with new friends, a Freshwaters Illustrated photo for your classroom, new ideas, and the knowledge that by teaching about freshwaters, you are contributing to an environmental solution. This in-person gathering is open for K-12 formal and informal educators. Register Now!

Educator Deep Dive FilmFest Online
Educators, join us for an extended online Summer FilmFest. Please Register for this one. 900-Noon PDT

Educator Lunchtime Filmfest Online
Freshwaters Illustrated Lunchtime Filmfest: Structure and Function
No registration needed. Click Zoom Link

Hidden Rivers screening
Hidden Rivers Pint Night at Yeehaw Brewing
Knoxville TN
More details at: https://www.conservationfisheries.org/events-calendar/hidden-rivers-showing-pint-night-yee-haw-brewing

Educator Lunchtime FilmFest Online
Freshwaters Illustrated Lunchtime FilmFest: Energy & Matter
No registration needed. Click Zoom Link

Educator FilmFest at Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport, OR
Educators, join us in-person at Hatfield Marine Science Center. You'll learn how to use stunning freshwater films, photos, and activities to engage and inspire your students. You’ll leave with new friends, an FI photo for your classroom, fresh ideas, and the knowledge that teaching about freshwaters is an environmental solution. This in-person gathering is open for K-12 formal and nonformal educators. Register Now!

Visit Us at Family Fun Day
Visit us at the Freshwaters Illustrated booth at Family Fun Day!

Educator Lunchtime FilmFest Online
Freshwaters Illustrated Lunchtime FilmFest: Systems & System Models
No registration needed. Click Zoom Link